Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell vs Dumbbell?
Why the lack of kettlebell exercises?

There is a striking difference between kettlebell exercise selection compared to dumbbell exercise selection. Dumbbells are primarily used for compound exercises that isolate a group of muscles improving strength and strength endurance (hypertrophy). Kettlebells are primarily used for compound exercises that work most if not all muscles of the body to develop power (agility/explosiveness) and stabilization during dynamic movements. The way you use the equipment differs due to the center of mass based on the shape of the equipment. The kettlebell has almost all the weight directly below the handle while the dumbbell center of mass is evenly balanced between each side of the handle. This changes the way you use each piece of equipment and the exercises best suited for the equipment.


There are many exercises that overlap between kettlebells and dumbbells such as a shrug or a goblet squat. Both exercises can be performed with either piece of equipment. Due to the majority of gyms primarily having dumbbells, I will be excluding kettlebell exercises that can be performed to the same proficiency using a dumbbell. Below are kettlebell-specific exercises that can not be done with a dumbbell or to the same benefit using a dumbbell. Below you will see a broader grouping of muscle groups than in dumbbells.

simply click on an exercise to see a in-depth video tutorial 


Kettlebell Thrusters


Kettlebell Clean


Kettlebell Clean and Press


Kettlebell Push up into Row


American Kettlebell Swing


Kettlebell Swing

Offset Kettlebell Squat

Offset Reverse Kettlebell Lunge

Overhead Squat


Kettlebell figure 8 ( Bring the kettlebell around the outside of your right leg then through your legs from the back. Grab the kettlebell with your left hand from the front to bring it through your legs. Repeat the movement on the opposite side so you’re moving the bell in a figure of eight patterns)


Kettlebell Windmill


Turkish Get-Up 

Explosive Med Ball Through

Goblet Carry Farmers Walk

One Arm Kettlebell Walk


Plank Drag


Angle Press