Most individuals should aim to workout three to six days per week. This will varry from idividuals based on factors like age, current body conditions, past experience level, ability to recover from workouts, and sleep. What's best for you?
Having pain in your body? Could it be from inflammation or tissue trauma? Adhesions from muscle spasm? If you're having pain, it can be a complex issue. Fully understanding the cumulative injury cycle may help your healing process.
Power (explosiveness/agility)
Maximal Strength (peak force production)
Hypertrophy (bodybuilding)
Strength Endurance and Stabilization Endurance
How in the world do I read a program?
Dummbell Bench Press 3x12 1/2/1 75% 1RM 2 min rest
What does that all mean?! Fitness Programs are easy to read once you get the hang of it. See how below.